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Mixed Pixel

Hi! I am Niki

My focus is to transform data into meaningful knowledge so that together we can create a more sustainable world.

My specialization is leveraging open-source (spatial) data and methods to extract the insights you need. I can support your organisation from the first idea, through data collection, analysis, all the way to visualization of insights.

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Foto van Niki De Sy


I am an experienced interdisciplinary researcher and data scientist with over a decade of experience in GIS & remote sensing as well as the integration of socio-economic and bio-physical data.

Previous work centered around topics such as land use dynamics, sustainable development and climate change mitigation. My skills include various programming languages and software for data analysis and visualization (R, Python, QGIS, Google Earth Engine) which I am constantly expanding through active learning.


Want to know more? Interested in working together?

You can reach me via email - info@mixedpixel.nl - or send a message via LinkedIn